Let us check your run tickets

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

With the industry booming, so many small details get overlooked. Several of our clients have us correct their run tickets and compare to the oil settlement statements. Routinely, we find that a load of oil is incorrectly paid or even sometimes, not paid. This service has become invaluable to those who utilize our expertise.

The University Lands Accounting Office has implemented a new system for reporting online

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

The University Lands Accounting Office has implemented a new system for reporting oil, gas and royalties online. The new Compass system is an online reporting facility and they no longer accept hard copy reports. State Oil Reports has received the training and is actively reporting for clients through this new system

State Oil Reports Launches New Website

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

We, here at State Oil Reports, are happy to announce the launch of our newly remodeled website. Please check back with us often for the industry’s latest news posted in our Latest News section. Contact us for any of your oil & gas reporting needs, we’ve got you covered.